Thursday, October 30, 2008


My, how fast things change in just a month or two. I have started another part time job (for now!) selling Premier Designs Jewelry. LOVE IT, LOVE IT. It is so much fun and doesn’t feel like work at all. I am taking one history class at NCTC to get back into the groove of college. I have decided to finish my degree so I can teach Kindergarten! Also, we are officially house shopping now and have high hopes of buying a home in Highland Village.

This month we have attended a very fun costume\birthday party at Clint & Mischele’s house (pictures posted below) and we also took an amazing weekend trip to Hardy, AR with all my family. I will post some pictures of our trip as well.

Two Halloween parties tomorrow! YAH! The first one will be at work where Bethany and I will be dressing up together! (Unless she bails on me to close on her house) The second party will be at Papaw and Mamaw’s tomorrow night with all the grandkids. Who are grown up by the way! I love dressing up and eating candy. It is way too much fun!

The back view from Doc's Lakehouse - I just love the color of the trees

We ate dinner at this really beautiful restaurant on top of the mountains in AR

Costume Party ~ me: Snow White Jake: "Father Jones"

Mischele as a german beer girl

watch out - it's the McEntire boys!

1 comment:

Life of the Wright's said...

Hehe, CHANGE for SURE!!! I have a feeling you guys are going to have some pretty crazy time in front of you.